Displaying 241 - 250 of 298.
The author critiques the statements of Counsellor ‘Adlī Hussayn, who said that the West is rancorous towards the East because God send it all his prophets instead of to them.
On Friday, Danish television aired an amateur video showing young members of the anti-immigrant Danish People’s Party taking part in a competition to draw cartoons ridiculing the prophet, one year after the publication of the "offensive" cartoons by the Danish daily Jyllands-Posten. In an...
Rifa‘t Fikrī Sa‘īd, an Evangelical pastor, replies to reproaches from Muhammad Salīm al-‘Awwā that the Evangelical church stayed quiet in the aftermath of Pope Benedict XVI ‘s discourse on Islam and violence.
The review considers a meeting between Pope Benedict XVI and the ambassadors of Muslim and Arab nations to the Holy See, in which the pontiff affirmed his respect for all religions, particularly Islam, and called for continuing the Muslim-Christian dialogue. He described this as of vital...
In an attempt to quench the uproar over his recent fatwá that appeared to allow the killing of Israeli Jews worldwide, Muslim dā‘īyah Shaykh Safwat Hijāzī, explains in two interviews with Sawt al-Ummah and al-Wafd that his fatwá should only be carried out during wartime.
Pope Shenouda III reiterated threats of penal church measures against any Copt who visited Jerusalem while under Israeli occupation.
Amin Makram Ebeid discusses the rule of Muhammad Ali, who prepared Egypt for a secular form of democracy, and his successors, and wonders whether the age of tolerance in Muslim-Christian relations ended with the failure of the liberal era.
A recent statement by the Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, Muhammad Mahdī ‘Ākif, in which he said that the Brotherhood was ready to send 10,000 troops to Lebanon, has raised the fears of the Egyptian government about the group’s military expertise and capabilities.
This review outlines statements made about Max Michel, who has named himself Archbishop Maximus and claims to be the patriarch of the Orthodox Copts.
This review deals with the controversy still blazing over the split of clergyman Max Michel from the mother Coptic Orthodox Church, and his establishment of Qur’ān independent church and a holy synod for Copts in Egypt and the Middle East.


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