Displaying 291 - 298 of 298.
A conference condemning religious fanaticism took place yesterday in Sohag Governorate under the slogan of ’National Unity’. The Writers’ Association organized the conference. A large number of writers and artists were present in addition to Muslim and Christian religious leaders.
The people of Sohag have criticized the ruling National Democratic Party for its negative attitude on Al-Kushh events. They described it as careless, adding that they got frustrated for the local authorities did not positively deal with the situation by meeting the priests of Sohag and the village’...
The Syndicate of the ’Usraf1 celebrated the Silver Jubilee of the October War in the city of Ras Ghareb. The celebration was attended by a large number of citizens from both the Christian and Muslim faiths transforming the occasion into a show of mutual love between Muslims and Christians...
Priests and prominent Christian figures of both Al-Kushh village and Sohag governorate sent a message to all Egyptians and Copts in the country and abroad describing the Sunday Telegraph’s report as being false and biased.
Al-Wafd paper spent 15 hours in Al-Kushh village accompanied by Bishop Wissa. In an interview with the bishop, he answered a number of inquiries about the village’s events.
Two days after President Mubarak’s refusal to release the Israeli Spy Azam Azam, the Zionist Lobby spread across Western countries launched a rude campaign against Egypt.
In the RNSAW of June 27 - July 1 1998, a translation was given of an article of Fikriya Ahmed in El-Wafd 27, titled ’The Dutch intelligence condemns Muslims in its annual report’. The RNSAW obtained the text of the summary of this report and translated it for our readers.
Following a meeting with President Hosni Mubarak, who criticized sensational elements in the Egyptian press, the Supreme Press Council started to regulate the press market.


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