Displaying 41 - 50 of 298.
On May 17, 2011, Giza's prosecution began an investigation into the kidnapping of Raghdah Sālim 'Abd al-Fatāh from the Maspero area, her subsequent detention and a cross tatoo being tatooed into her hand with a cross.  Raghdah's mother had contacted al-Wafd, fearing for her daughter who fainted...
A march of thousands of people started from al-Nūr mosque to the U.S. embassy in Cairo/Egypt condemning the death of al-Qā'idah leader Usāmah Bin Lādin. Shaykh Hāfiz Salāmah, the leader of the protesters, went to the embassy first by car and did not participate in the march because of his old age...
Most of the editorials in the newspapers are criticizing salafists' practices in sparking a fitnah in the nation. They comment on salafists' protests in front of Saint Mark Cathedral in al-'Abāsīyah demanding the release of both Kāmīliyā Shihātah and Wafā' Constantine, reportedly detained by the...
A number of 100 niqāb-clad women protested in front of Dār al-Iftā' (Iftā' House) on April 29, 2011, for banning women wearing the niqāb from entering the exam rooms. Muftī of the Republic Shaykh 'Alī Jum'ah had issued a fatwá banning niqāb in exam halls, then the Supreme Administrative Court...
 Ramadān is no longer a social occasion confined to Muslims only; Copts also celebrate Ramadān. They adore it and consider it “the month of Egyptians.” Buying “yamīsh” [nuts and dried fruit], eating desserts such as “kunāfah” and going to al-Husīn have become annual habits for Copts during Ramadān...
Salafīs demonstrated in front of the State Council on March 29, while a lawsuit, accusing the Church of kidnapping Kāmīliyā Shihātah after she converted to Islam, was reviewed by the Administrative Court. The Coptic Church denies that Kāmīliyā Shihātah has ever converted to Islam or has been...
According to the Egyptian Government they are working on building a modern civil and democratic state where all Egyptians, including Copts, will enjoy the rights of citizenship. However, people fear that if such a state is not created, the military will go on ruling Egypt, or a religious state will...
Michael Munīr, founder and president of the U.S. Copts Association, was in Tahrīr Square during the 25 Revolution and asked not to exaggerate in factional demands until the success of the revolution, then disappeared in the following 'Million' Revolution [where more than one million persons...
Many more Egyptians are reading opposition newspapers these days. Al-Ahrām is alleged to have lost senventy percent of its' readers since the revolution. Al-Wafd, Al-Shurūq and Al-Misrī Al-Yawm have proven to be very popular these days. Furthermore, newspapers have also realized the importance of...
 'Abd al-Wahāb Sha'bān from al-Wafd relates his journey to Sūl village in 'Ātfīh. As soon as he arrived at the village he felt that it was a big mystery. Sha'bān found 'spell papers' being circulated among the residents, assuring that they were found inside the church. Sha'bān writes that this is...


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