Displaying 11 - 20 of 42.
Members of Michael Munīr’s fan group on facebook call on U.S. Copts to work for giving Bahā’īs, Shī‘ah, and converts to Christianity more freedom of creed in Egypt.
The article is a review of the newly published book, ’The history of the early Coptic community in the U.S.A.’
Claims that Coptic activists overseas are rallying for a demonstration to protest Copts treatment in Egypt.
Pope Shenouda will not assign Bishop Bimen to assume control of the Luxor Bishopric and the security advised lawyer Mamdūḥ Nakhlah not to organize a demonstration.
A Coptic physician in Saudi Arabia was sentenced to 20 whippings, a sentence that sparked wide Coptic protests. The American Coptic denounced the sentence and organized a campaign to gain the support of the White House as a means of pressuring Saudi authorities.
A new sectarian incident took place in al-Dukhaylah province in Alexandria when some Muslims attacked a Coptic Orthodox Church after a normal quarrel between Muslim and Christian children. The attack left 25 injured on both sides and damages to the church building.
An Egyptian Copt, who had lived in America for 22 years, was killed in his shop in Los Angeles, at the hands of three Americans. His death is believed to be part of the Americans’ hatred campaign against Arabs and Muslims, which started after the attacks in America. al-Usboa and al-Arabi...
This article gives an overall view, based on different newspapers, of the case of the Ibn Khaldūn Center. Al-Ahrām wrote about the investigations of those who are involved with Dr. Saʿd al-Dīn Ibrāhīm. The press review ends with the comment of al-Ahālī and al-' 'Usbūʿ on the Americans' interference...
At the Ibn Khaldoun Research center, Mr. Magdi Khaliel, an emigrant Copt, gave a lecture trying to justify the attempts of some emigrant Copts and even those of some foreign countries to intervene in Egyptian affairs under the pretext of protecting Copts from what they claim is persecution in...
Subtitles: Demonstration in front of the Egyptian consulate in New York; 16 Copts murdered per minute C.N.N.-TV; Egypt is a place of persecution. See how they treat monkeys and bears in the zoo. Mahmoud Wahba: Jews are using Copts to cover a disaster among them. Rose al- Yūsuf, July 28, is also...


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