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The article gives an overview of the different religious sects spread in the USA. It concentrates on the beliefs of a religious group called "Wicca," that is considered to be the fifth largest religious group in the USA." The Wicca is not known in public, because its followers hide their religion...
A prominent FBI official stressed American Muslims that he would protect them against hate crimes. He said that he expelled one of the officers because of writing an anti-Islam statement in his office calendar. The officer wrote: “Islam is evil.”
The head of the National Arab Americans Association said that when his association met the US Commission for International Religious Freedom, on its visit to Israel, they criticized the way the committee was formed and the way it works. He criticized the fact that Israel was not mentioned in the...
The Zionist lobby’s most recent smear campaign against Arab Americans may have succeeded in denying Salam Al-Marayati his nomination to a US House of Representative’s Terrorism Commission, but it has also inspired a long-awaited public outcry against the Zionist lobby itself.
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