Displaying 1 - 5 of 5.
Founding the AAD, which contests the defamation of Islam, is an example of how to deal with adversity in a civilized fashion. Unlike the Global Anti-Semitism Act, which punishes those who differ in opinion with it, the AAD deals with criticism by rebutting it.
Arabs Against discrimination introduces itself as a non-governmental organization legally registered in France. AAD was established by a group of concerned Arabs with the aim of exposing and combating all forms of discrimination and racism that contravene human rights covenants and established...
Zionist organizations put pressure on decision makers in the US. They have succeeded in convincing the U.S. President George Bush to sign a law obliging the U.S. Department of State to monitor any anti-Semitic acts. Of course, George Bush signed this law lest he should lose the Jewish votes in the...
Representatives of the Presbyterian Church and members of various Jewish groups in the United States met on September 29 in New York to discuss the decision of the church to boycott Israel and any organization whose annual donations to Israel exceed one million U.S. dollars. The decision, reached...
On October 8, the U.S. Congress passed an anti-Semitism law allowing the United States to punish anti-Semitic countries.
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