Displaying 11 - 20 of 32.
Philip Rizk, was kept under arrest for four days in Egypt for protesting about the Egyptian-Gazan border being closed. Philip was freed today but his arrest has resulted in discussions about; the freedom of demonstrating in Egypt, non-government humanitarian aid from Egypt to Gaza, police providing...
At a time when the Egyptian press market was still discussing the aftermath of the State Security Prosecution’s interrogation of an independent journalist on charges of spreading rumors about the president’s health, a new wave of anger stormed Egyptian society after a misdemeanor court sentenced...
The Cairo Criminal Court has recently acquitted the 10 defendants who had faced charges of fraudulence and receiving bribes along with Saad Eddin Ibrahim, the director of the embattled Ibn Khaldoun Center where they used to work.
The murder of 47-year-old Dutch director Theo Van Gogh in Amsterdam by Muhammad Bouyeri, a young Muslim of Moroccan descent, sparked a wave of violence and tensions against Muslims.  
The author writes about Dan Brown’s controversial book ’The Da Vinci Code’ and the doubts it casts over Jesus and the Bible.
Analysis of the Denmark cartoons issue by Dr. Hasan Muhammad Wajīh, expert of linguistics of negotiation and cross-cultural communication at the Azhar University and moderator of the April 15, 2006 discussion at El-Sawy Culture Wheel on ‘Freedom of expression and respect for the other. How to...
The author compares between the Arab and Western media in an extended image in which he likens the media to a three-ring circus. He believes that Arab media perform in the outer rings of the circus, away from the middle ring where the greatest show takes place. However, the middle ring is occupied...
An American missionary belonging to Operation Mobilization and nurse´s aid Bonnie Weatherall, 31, was found murdered at a Christian health clinic housed in the building of an Evangelical church in Sidon, a port city in southern Lebanon. There is much speculation as to what could have been the...
An attack of Yigal Carmon on the Guardian´s Brian Whitaker. Whitaker, he writes, has simply recycled inaccurate and previously published material.
Osama Salama´s words are sharp, full of anger about Coptic emigrants. People in Egypt, other Arab countries, Europe, the US and Israel itself protest against the Israeli atrocities against the Palestinians. But where are the voices of the emigrant Copts and Arab Christians? We checked the Copts...


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