Displaying 1 - 10 of 73.
Meanwhile, Grand Shaykh of the Azhar Dr. Ahmad al-Tayyīb underscored the importance of participation by all groups of the society, syndicates, unions and institutions including the Azhar in the constituent assembly drafting a new constitution for Egypt. “The meeting stressed that the articles of...
Dr. Saʿd al-Dīn al-Hilālī, Professor of Comparative Jurisprudence at al-Azhar University, said that the entire Egyptian society used to perform marriages in a verbal manner (like ʿurfī marriages) until 1931. 
Scholars and legal experts warned from attacking citizens and using violence under the pretext of promoting virtue and preventing vice. Dr. 'Afāf al-Najār, former Dean of Faculty of Islamic Studies, said, that if these matters were left to the general public then Egypt would soon turn into a jungle...
The Administrative Court approved the Azhar decision not to enroll Christian students at the Azhar University.
Asmā’ Nassār wrote about a truly controversial issue; the privatization of the Azhar. She says that some of the prominent ’salafī’ Shaykhs, headed by Ja‘far Bin Idrīs, a Sudanese Shaykh, established an Islamic university in California in 1995. An exchange of scholars between this University and...
Suggested changes to the child law have provoked far-reaching debates. The issues of female circumcision, a child's paternity and the law's adherence to the principles of Sharī‘ah are three of the key topics that have come under analysis.
Zaynab ‘Abd Allāh reports on different opinions of Azhar scholars regarding the developing plan of the Azhar education.
Two Muslims scholars voice their opinions about the recent demonstrations and strikes that have taken place in Egypt.
A newly released bill on children has obtained widespread rejection as being purportedly violating the Islamic Sharī‘ah as well as bases of the culture.
Dr. Zaynab Radwān, the deputy speaker of the Egyptian People’s Assembly created heated debates in Egypt when she stated that a woman’s testimony in court is equal to that of man and that the non-Muslim wife of a Muslim husband should enjoy the same rights to inherit from her husband. The...


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