Displaying 1 - 6 of 6.
Background: Dr. Farūq al-Baz (brother of Usāma al-Bāz, political advisor to President Mubārak) is  the Director of the Center for Remote Sensing and Professor at the Department of Archaeology and Electrical & Computer Engineering. He is also an Associated Faculty member at the Department of...
The article is an interview with Natana J. DeLong-Bas. She is a senior research assistant at the Center for Muslim- Christian Understanding at Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. The interview sheds light on her book ‘Wahhabi Islām: From Revival and Reform to Global Jihād.’ The book presents...
A tribute to Prof. Meinardus, eminent Coptologist, on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Sadly Prof. Meinardus died a few days before his birthday.
Khoury in turn responds to Bader’s article and explains why Taybeh is unique for its rich historical Christian heritage. Last year, Taybeh had a joyous Christmas celebration but as a result of the continuous Israeli attacks and brutality, this joyful celebration will not take place this year.
The Editorial Board of the RNSAW announces six new members of the Board of Advisors.
The Egyptian press remained quiet for a short period until the burst of controversy was generated as a result of the Thomas Friedman article in the New York Times on August 1st, article attacking Hosni Mubarak’s policies on the Camp David-II Summit, the corruption of the Egyptian government and its...
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