Displaying 1 - 10 of 25.
Muhammad ‘Abd al-Rahmān reports on the increasing number of Islamic satellite channels, believing they seek money and fame rather than the genuine da‘wah of Islam.
Religious channels are planting the seeds of intolerance and extremism in the minds of young people through using unqualified clerics on their programs instead of official Azhar scholars.
The author speaks out against the many satellite channels peddling extremist religious ideas delivered by unqualified people.
The author presents viewpoints of six girls that represent three samples of young women in Egyptian society today. Viewpoints about life, religion, and sex vary from one to another. The young women are chosen from different social and educational levels.
Despite the public uproar, the constitutional amendments were approved in a vote in Parliament. While the government and its advocators assert the importance of the amendments in enhancing democracy and supporting people, the opposition considers them an enhancement of the powers of the ruling and...
The article talks about the chaos of Fatwás being issued on TV by a number of unofficial Muftīs. It also mentions the statement of the Islamic Research Academy regarding these Fatwás which marks the end of the satellite Fatwás.
The writer is discussing the debate about suggestions for reforming religious curricula for secondary schools, because these curricula are said to repeat, word by word, phrases from the books of the executed ex-leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sayyid Qutb.
A research about the characteristics and vocabularies of human rights in secondary school books of religion revealed that issues of doctrine were present more than human rights principles.
The film "Awan Al-Ward" which tackles the mixed marriage between Moslems and Christians and their daily interaction, released an unprecedented controversy. The writer of the film said that the Minister of Information asked him to write about national unity and that through the film he wants to...
Drs. Hulsman responds to an article published in al-Usbū‘ which discusses the controversy over hiring Dr. Berenger, who the article refers to as an “American Jew.” Hulsman warns of the dangers of fallacious reporting, and the issues that it can create.


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