Displaying 121 - 123 of 123.
Three Americans decided to strengthen Arab-West Report by joining the Board of Advisors; Sunni Khalid, a veteran Afro-American Muslim journalist, Paul Perry, a bestselling author and Rev. Dr. Jeff Adams, an Independent Baptist Minister. The three new board members have considerable international...
Comments on the article of Dr. Zeinab ‘Abdel Aziz in October Magazine in which she attacks Christian faith. Articles like this have a negative impact on Arab-West and Muslim-Christian relations. Dutch Catholic priest Brother Piet Lindner, friend of AWR, passed away.
Father Matta al-Maskīn, spiritual father of the Monastery of St. Macarius, passed away. A renewed request for NGO status led by former Egyptian Minister of Tourism Dr. Mamdouh al-Biltagui


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