Displaying 1 - 10 of 13.
German minister of Turkish decent Aygül Özkan has encountered harsh criticism after her call for the removal of crucifixes from public schools.
The article supports the new constitutional amendments that prohibit the establishment of religious parties.
The murder of the Dutch filmmaker Theo Van Gogh, a grandnephew of the famous Dutch painter [Vincent van Gogh,] by a Muslim extremist has increased terror fears in Western and European communities where a large number of Muslims live. Everyone knows that such assassination was the spark that set off...
Egyptian newspapers present mixed reactions to Pope Benedict’s "apology" for comments he made earlier this month on Islam and the Prophet Muhammad. In light of the already tense atmosphere in the Muslim world, a Berlin opera company canceled Mozart’s ’Idomeneo’ for fear of protest over...
The Egyptian-German Dialogue held recently in Germany aimed at finding out how far the religious movement has affected democracy and diversity.
The article is an interview with the Dr. Salah Eddin Al-Ga’farawi, head of the Islamic Council in Germany. He comments on the phenomenon of extremism before and after September 11, the conditions of Muslims in Germany and on how much Europeans are today aware of the questions of Arabs and Muslims.
first incident is the dismissal of German general Reinhard Guenzel for making a slight insult to the Jews [see also: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/text/2001783325_germany05.html]. The second incident is the justification Donald Rumsfeld presented to the anti-Islam statement made by William...
The author raises the question of how to establish modern Arab-Islamic states that can face the challenges they are exposed to and concentrates on the Egyptian society. To achieve this modern state, it is either to replace Arab-Islamic values with Western values– which is disastrous, or to create...
The province of Baden-Wأ¼rttemberg in Germany is adopting a measure of asking 30 questions about the status of women and other issues to Muslims who apply to obtain German passports.
The German province has applied an oral exam of 30 questions to make sure Muslim applicants for German nationality are loyal to, and ready to merge into German society.


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