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Pope Tawāḍrūs II, the Pope of Alexandria, held a meeting at the papal headquarters at St Mark’s Cathedral in al-ʿAbbāsiyya, with members of the Coptic Endowments Authority, including Fr. Mūsa Ibrāhīm, the official spokesman for the Coptic Orthodox Church. The meeting discussed ways to control the...
Shaykh Muhammad ‘Abd al- Rāziq, head of the Religious Department in Ministry of Endowments stated that the Ministry requested from the Ministry of Justice to grant the right of judicial arrest to 300 inspector, preaching supervisor and ministry deputies nationwide
Archpriest Seraphim al-Suryānī, a candidate for the patriarchal chair of Saint Mark, said he does not think of changing the statute on the election of a pope if he wins the post. [‘Imād Khalīl, al-Misrī al-Yawm, Oct. 19, p. 3] Read original text in Arabic
Ayūb traces the Waqf system in Egypt back through its history. The article mentions that the golden age of the Waqf system was the 12th-18th centuries. The system was continued throughout Muhammad ‘Alī’s era and he used revenue from the Waqf system to fund his own projects to modernize Egypt....
Bishop Bīshūy finished drafting the decision to adopt the increase in salaries of bishops, priests and church workers by 50 percent. Pope Shenouda is expected to sign the decision upon his return from the United States.
Zaqzūq talks about the condition of Christian rights in Egypt.
The governor of Cairo, Dr. Abdel-Rahim Shehata, succeeded in ending the disagreement between His Holiness Pope Shenouda III and Father Matta Al-Meskien about a farm on the north coast.
An area of 140 feddans will be given back to the Coptic Endowments Authority.
Dr. Mahmoud Hamdy Zakzouk, the Minister of Endowments, announced that all arable lands registered as Coptic endowments will be given back to the Coptic Endowments Authority. These lands were managed by the Egyptian Endowments Authority. The Ministry has started to change this situation beginning...
The Endowments Joint Committee that consists of representatives of the Egyptian-Coptic Endowment Authority has held a number of meetings and decided to return to the church a number of Coptic endowments that had been confiscated.
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