Displaying 311 - 320 of 2343.
Archpriest Salīb Mattá Sawirus, member of Coptic Church Milī (Lay) Council (al-Majlis al-Milī), said: “On the contrary of what ‘Abd al-Ghaffūr said, Pope Tawadros is being a great example of Christian forgiveness. His messages to Copts are always about praying for the nation.
The Coptic Orthodox, Catholic and Evangelical Churches rallied against ‘Abd al-Ghaffūr's accusations. In addition to calling Pope Tawadros “fundamental”,  he also claimed that the Catholic and Evangelical Churches had made the return of the Orthodox Church into the Constituent Assembly a condition...
The Coptic Orthodox Church denounced the statements of ‘Imād ‘Abd al-Ghaffūr and calls it a “political failure”. ‘Abd al-Ghaffūr, vice-president, had accused Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II of planting fanaticism in the Church and called his era “secluded”. 
The three main Christian denomination in Egypt submitted a memo to President Muhammad Mursī asking him to amend 19 articles in the Constitution.
 Kamāl Sulaymān Bishārah, member of the Coptic Advisory Council, said that he accepted appointment in the Council because the [Coptic Orthodox] Church nominated him. 
Rāmī Lakah, leader of Hizb Misrinā, or "Our Egypt Party" and appointed to the Shūrá Council, said that the three Christian churches, Orthodox Catholic and Evangelical, agreed to submit one memo to be discussed on December 26. 
On the same context, Al-Shurūq al-Jadīd newspaper reported the Churches’- as well as The Azhar’s- dismay over Burhāmī’s statements on the position of the Azhar’s Grand Shaykh and on articles endorsed in the new Constitution.
The three major Coptic Churches of Egypt strongly condemned the statement released by the deputy leader of the SalafīDa’wah (the Salafī Call), Shaykh Yāsir Burhāmī. Speaking during a video-taped conference of scholars and Du’ā (preachers), Burhāmī praised the articles included in the new...
Father Rif’at Fikrī of Shubrā’ s EvangeliCal Church, declared that an agreement has been met with the presidency to present a memorandum listing  ten  articles in the newly-ratified constitution  for amendment to be discussed once the new People’s Assembly  is elected. Father Rafīq Greish, media...
Representatives of the Azhar body vehemently denied the allegations suggested by deputy chief of the Salafīsts and former member of the Ca which drew up the new Constitution, Shaykh Yāsir Burhāmī. The Salafī preacher suggested that the Azhar had approved Article 219, which endorses the provisions...


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