Displaying 171 - 180 of 1022.
Dr. Zaghlūl al-Najjār accuses Coptic Orthodox clergymen of forcing Muslims to convert and declares that the Bible was distorted. The Coptic Orthodox Church responded denouncing Zaghlūl’s allegations.
An ancient Roman church belonged to sixth century has been found during restoration of al-Ḥajjāj al-Aqsurī mosque in Luxor.
Counselor Labīb Ḥalīm Labīb discusses the issue of changing the regulations of choosing the patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church.
Kamāl Zākhir Mūsá discusses the potentiality of Bishop Bīshūy being appointed as the coming patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church, presenting some readings from biblical and liturgical teachings about the characteristics of a bishop.
An interview with Pope Shenouda highlighting the term of his papacy.
The Coptic Orthodox Church spokesperson Bishop Marqus has stated that the church has no relation with the Kemi T.V. satellite channel affiliated to Coptic expatriates because the church refuses the exploitation of media to spread spirit of enmity and/or attacking homeland.
Robeir al-Faris recently published a book entitled, ‘The Muslim Brothers (MB) and the Copts…Repercussions of Confrontation and Dialogue.’ The following article presents an overview of the book.
Zākhir Mūsá calls for the unity of the church by highlighting the unity between the clergymen and laymen. He refers to a book by a late Orthodox father to support his argument on the status of laymen and clergymen.
Bishop Bīshūy’s declarations are irresponsible and the Pentecostal Church respects Bishop Bīshūy. The Coptic Orthodox Church, declared Mūrjān ‘Azīz Mūrjān, head of the Pentecostal Church.
Lotus Kīwān gauges the opinions of Christian clergy and intellectuals on the appearances of Father Zakarīyā Butrus in the Christian satellite channel al-Hayāt, believing that angry reactions to Father Zakarīyā’s attacks at Islam were not restricted to Muslims but many Christians also disapprove of...


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