Displaying 411 - 420 of 1022.
Labīb presents an argument proving the Coptic Orthodox Church’s legitimate possession of the Sultan Monastery in Jerusalem. He also hints about the general history of the monastery.
The article discusses the second laymen’s conference to which Pope Shenouda has been invited.
The article talks about the opening of a new church in the United Arab Emirates by Pope Shenouda III and the second laymen’s conference.
John Watson provides a review of John Fullerton’s novel entitled, ‘This Green Land.’ It is a story that focuses on a young Christian woman, Reem, who was brainwashed and subsequently used by violent ideologies and beliefs. Fullerton provides an insight into the origins of terrorist and extremists...
This press review presents a summary of a series of articles published in Rose al-Yūsuf. Hānī Labīb writes about the history of the relationship between the pope as the head of the Coptic Orthodox Church, and the president of the Republic of Egypt from the mandate of Jamāl ‘Abd al-Nāsir until the...
The article analyzes one of the seven sacraments of the Coptic Orthodox Church, namely “mayron” or holy oil.
Ayman Nūr writes a paper on how Egyptian constitutions and laws control the people’s freedom.
This article is a description of the international growth of the Coptic Orthodox Church over the course of history.
The article presents an interview with Bishop Mūsá, bishop of youth. The bishop highlighted the vital role of Copts in Egypt’s history. He called for a greater concentration on Coptic Culture in the mass media, stressing the significance of integrating and intermingling in society.
The author criticizes the exaggerated rites of the Coptic Orthodox Church and asks to update the rites in a manner that corresponds with the present life, arguing that rites are a product of man and need to correspond with reality.


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