Displaying 591 - 600 of 1022.
Pope Shenouda rejects Bishop Maximus’s trial.
In his article, ‘Ādil Zāhir notes Copts’ disapproval of the current situation in the Coptic Orthodox Church where people are constantly accused and judged. Zāhir points out Bishop Bīshūy’s transgressions in this regard, where he has made accusations that touch even respectable figures of the church...
The author, in this series of articles, criticizes Bishop Bīshūy, the secretary of the Holy Synod, and refutes the top clergyman’s claims about him, demanding that a trial for himself and Bīshūy be conducted instead of leaving "this authoritarian way of thinking" to consolidate its position...
Bishop Bīshūy aims to excommunicate Coptic intellectual Kamāl Zākhir, accusing him of being against the church. Bishop Bīshūy calls on Copts to boycott the expected conference about the laymen’s view of the church’s problems.
Egyptian articles that pay attention to conflicts within the Coptic Orthodox Church. A good analysis of medieval Muslim-Christian relations by Israeli peace activist Uri Avnery. Attention and appreciation for AWR work.
The author of the article criticizes a proposed conference on reform, accusing it of deviating from its original purpose of proposing practical solutions for church reform to settling old scores with the so-called "promoters of wrong ideas" within the church.
The author discusses the issue of the ordination of women in various Christian denominations and traditions.
The Marqus Coptic Orthodox Cathedral is considering holding a video conference interview with Pope Shenouda at his residence at the Cleveland Hospital in the U.S. The pope is expected to have surgery on his spine.
The article explains to Bishop Bīshūy that the doors of heaven are open only to those who are kindhearted, and advises him to follow the steps of Father Mattá al- Maskīn.
This article presumes that Bishop Bīshūy’s aggressive attitude is due to the oppression that he was previously subject to.


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