Displaying 821 - 830 of 1022.
Memories of Dr. Otto Meinardus, and the position he took between two cultures, particularly in relation to his stance on Coptic Orthodox traditions.
Coptic businessman and intellectual Kamāl Zākhir said that the church is not considering the profit-loss concept. Sometimes the church is making special activities for the youths and under the auspices of priests and in association with companies that provide finance.
A speech delivered by Magdi Khalil at the "Status of Democracy and Freedoms in the Middle East” Conference, held in Washington during the period 16-19 November 2005, in which he discusses the definition of a minority, and the international community rules in relation to the treatment of minority...
This is a translation of an article about the work of the Center for Arab-West Understanding from the Dutch daily newspaper Trouw. Editor AWR: This article is very sharp. Senior editor Eildert Mulder has used formulations that Hulsman would never have used, but this is related to Mulder’s own...
The unprecedented success of the Muslim Brotherhood in the recent parliamentary elections has raised fears among many Copts, including Pope Shenouda III and a number of prominent thinkers.
Kamāl Zākhir Mousa stresses the need for reform within the Egyptian Orthodox Church, which, according to him, has started to take a more political rather than spiritual approach towards many issues related to the Egyptian Coptic community.
In this issue, Rose al-Yousuf celebrates its 80th anniversary. Upon the invitation of the magazine, prominent Coptic thinker Dr. Mīlād Hannā writes how Rose al-Yousuf has led the debate over Coptic issues and problems.
The author discusses reasons why Copts tend not to actively participate in the political scene and argues that accusations of westernization and inability are unfair and untrue.
The celebration of 150 years of presence of the Evangelical Church [e.g. the Presbyterian denomination] in Egypt stressed both the universality and the deep-rootedness of this Church in Egyptian society. Held in a true spirit of celebration, prayer and thanksgiving, the event was also a perfectly...
Celebrating the Evangelical Church’s 150 years of ministry in Egypt, Munā al-Mallākh writes on the history of Evangelicalism in Egypt.


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