Displaying 1 - 10 of 83.
Nadia Henry [Nādiya Hinrī] said that a statement made by the Council of State limiting which women can be appointed to certain jobs violates the law, the president’s directives, and the constitutional rights of women.
The Administrative Court decided to refer 12 cases, pertaining to removing the Egyptian nationality from runaway Muslim Brotherhood leaders, to the Commissioners’ Board in the Council of State.
The first department of the Administrative Court headed by Counsellor Muhammad Qishtah, vice president of the Council of State, has decided to postpone its session on a lawsuit made by Copt requesting a license for second marriage to 27th May. (Sāmiah Farūq, al- Wafd, March 19, p. 3). Read original...
The Azhar is about to complete the draft law for the ‘alms- house’ that is to be presented to the council of Ministers the coming week. 
The Council of Ministers has agreed in its meeting yesterday headed by Eng. Ibrāhīm Mahlab to approve the Bayt al- Zakāh draft law  after it is revised by the Council of State Legislative Department.
The Legislative Department in the Council of State has finalized amending the Law of Sermons and Religious Lectures in mosques
In an interview with Al-Ahram newspaper, Counselor Munsif Najīb Sulīmān, legal advisor to the Coptic Church, discussed a number of important Church-related issues. The Houses of Worship law featured prominently in the discussion. 
Egypt’s Supreme Constitutional Court ruled on Thursday, June 14th about two major political cases that had been brought before court: Were the past parliamentary elections constitutional? Is the Political Isolation Law Parliament passed valid? This law bans members of the former regime from...
Ahram Online, Monday 23 Apr 2012 Coptic 38 – a group founded to demand liberalisation of divorce laws by Coptic Christian Church – calls for reimplementation of 1938 bylaws that permit divorce under 9 conditions.
Table of Contents I. Introduction: Complications II. Egyptian Media Reporting III. Experiences of the Center for Arab-West Understanding (CAWU) IV. NGO Registration: The U.S. Model


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