Displaying 11 - 20 of 22.
The author discusses the two major problems that Egypt has recently faced; the sinking of the Egyptian ferry and the crisis of the Danish cartoons.
Authors in several newspapers are calling for appeasement in Arab and Muslim countries over the problem of the Danish newspaper’s cartoons, though many are still furious over the cartoons. A few authors do not consider boycotting Danish products a nice solution, while others propose that an...
Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten reiterated its apology to the Muslim world over the cartoons it had published on September 30, 2005, which nourished antagonistic sentiments against Denmark. However, the newspaper editor Carsten Juste refused to pledge to not publish any more articles or cartoons...
In the drama that followed the republishing of the Danish cartoons across several European nations, the Danish and Norwegian Embassies in Damascus, and also the Danish Consulate in Beirut, were all burnt down. These incidents prompted those foreign ministers to advise their people to leave Syria...
In response to the angry Muslim reaction to the 12 cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad published by the Danish daily Jyllands-Posten, the Danish ambassador to Egypt, Bjarne Sorensen has declared that Denmark has the greatest respect for Islam and offers his apologies.
Muslim scholar ‘Abd al-Sabour Shāhīn blames the Azhar and the Islamic Research Academy for not taking proper action against the recent Danish attack on the Prophet Muhammad. He also praises the position of secretary-general of the Arab League, ‘Amr Mousa, who led a diplomatic delegation, demanding...
Al-Usbou‘, al-Ahrām al-‘Arabī and Rose al-Yousuf report on the reaction to the controversial cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, published few months ago by the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten.
The Danish prime minister had declined to receive 19 ambassadors from Arab and Muslim countries even though he received a Somali-born woman [‘Alī Hirsi ‘Alī] who wrote the script for a controversial documentary called ’Submission’ directed by Dutch Theo van Gogh. The newspapers also suggest that...
Denmark’s prime minister announces that Jyllens-Posten has apologized for the cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, and emphasizes that the Danish government condemns any expression, action or indication that attempts to demonize groups of people on the basis of their religion or ethnic background.
Denmark’s foreign minister calls on Muslims and their leaders around the world to look beyond the big news headlines and the inflammatory rhetoric concerning the cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad and points out Denmark’s positive relations with the Arab world.


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