Date of source: Wednesday, October 22, 2003
The author compares between the reactions to criticizing Jews and abusing the belief of Muslims in view of the reactions given to the statements of American General William Boykin and the Malaysian prime minister about Islam and the Jews. The first stated that Muslims worship idols and his...
Date of source: Saturday, October 25, 2003
The author comments on the “lovers of takfir” [those who love to accuse others of disbelief]. Instead of attracting people to Islam, “the lovers of takfir” do their best to prove that accused Muslims parted from Islam. There is also another group, non-Muslims, particularly orientalists, that...
Date of source: Wednesday, February 12, 2003
The events and consequences of September 11 represent the peak of the historical and social development that the Islamic world has witnessed since World War II. This development witnessed agreement and conflict between Americanization and Islamization, which are the two faces of the crisis of the...
Date of source: Monday, January 20, 2003
The Pentagon received a memorandum by a Congress member known for his rigid bias towards Israel. It is signed by three Jewish organizations in the US. It suggests destroying the Ka’ba, as part of the war against terrorism, as it is a place where millions of Muslims gather to plan terrorist...
Date of source: Monday, August 12, 2002
Memri´s intent is to find the worst possible quotes from the Muslim world and disseminate them as widely as possible.
Date of source: Sunday, November 20, 2005
Deputy Rector of Cairo University, Dr. Hāmid Tāhir, writes about recent terrorist attacks and about the common interests that should bind all people together, regardless of nationality or religion.
Date of source: Sunday, October 2, 2005
U.S. policies, particularly after they were hijacked by extremists, have drawn many foes and wide-spread anger, to the degree that most Europeans, in a public opinion poll by the European Union (EU) in 2004, named the U.S. the second largest threat to world peace after Israel.
Date of source: Friday, August 27, 2004
For the first time in its history, the British Ministry of Defense intends to appoint a Muslim preacher to be responsible for offering religious guidance to Muslim soldiers enrolled in the British military. A source from the British Ministry of Defense mentioned that the appointment of the Muslim...
Date of source: Tuesday, August 10, 2004
I have some remarks about the American report about the Islamic situation [i.e. “Civil Democratic Islam… Partners, Resources, and Strategies”]. This report was not made for philanthropic purposes but at the expense of the US Department of Defense. The report was issued by the National Security...
Date of source: Friday, March 12, 2004
A Christian missionary of British origin David McBell issued a number of warnings to the world. The most serious of these warnings concerns the Jews’ control over the world. He called on Christians and Muslims to wake up and join forces to offset the Jews and put a limit to their control, but also...