Displaying 1 - 5 of 5.
Dr Sāmī Fawzī, Archbishop of the Episcopal/Anglican Church of Alexandria, participated in joint theological dialogue sessions between the Anglican Church and the Eastern Orthodox Churches around the world through a Zoom meeting.
Father ‘Abd al-Massīḥ Basīṭ sheds light on eminent Christian characters including Pope Shenouda.
October presents the opinion of Uri Avnery, an Israeli author, writing about the “conflict of civilizations.” October writes that Avnery has shown support to the Prophet of Islām and Muslims against false accusations and mistrust promoted by the head of the Catholic Church.
A review of a book by author Andreas Baumann, showing that being an advocate of Christian missionary work also can result in a critical self-reflection.
From the very beginning, Egypt was never far from Islam. It was not a surprise to Egypt when Muslim armies were marching into it. There was not a single Muslim, during and after the Prophet’s life, who was not certain that Egypt would be opened up by Muslims...
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