Date of source: Friday, March 3, 2006
Abd al-Latīf Hāmid writes about a parliamentary suggestion to establish a governmental center that works on following, and then analyzing the stream of rumors. The center also suggests making rumor-spreading a criminal offense.
Date of source: Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Bishop Marqus comments on Bishop Munīr’s text on “Christian minorities in the Islamic world; an Egyptian perspective.”
Date of source: Friday, September 24, 2004
I practiced my natural right in examining a historical issue that is open to doubt. This issue [the Holocaust] was disproved by the Minister of Information himself when he was the head of the information authority which published in the 1992 an outstanding translation of the well-known book "The...
Date of source: Sunday, August 1, 2004
In this part, we continue presenting internationally known evidences that disprove the lie of burning Jews in Nazi chambers. Jews and European politicians will never believe us; no matter what evidences we present to prove that the burning of Jews in gas chambers is a lie.
Date of source: Tuesday, May 28, 2002
Opening a RNSAW workshop for Egyptian journalists.
Date of source: Sunday, July 13, 2003
The writer presents an overview of Saad Eddin Ibrahim’s book “Reflections on the Question of Minorities.’ The book discusses the topic of minorities in the Arab region.
Date of source: Monday, January 5, 2004
A description of the history of the conflicts around the development of the convent of Patmos on the Cairo-Suez road. This text was written in May 2003 and presented to the Egyptian press center in the hope to get a response from Egyptian authorities. This response has not come.
Date of source: Saturday, June 9, 2001 to Friday, June 15, 2001
The author criticizes Egyptian strangers and freelancers who work for foreign media. He argues that they are the ones behind Egypt being represented in foreign media as
a country with dirty random districts, infants working, belly dancers and Coptic massacres. He urged that the State Information...
Date of source: Monday, March 5, 2001
Bishop Marcos reported that President Mubarak granted a permit to build a church in Shoubra Al-Kheima. This decision came after the US Copts Association organized an international protest against the demolition of a building belonging to the Coptic Orthodox Church. It is practice of Coptic Orthodox...
Date of source: Tuesday, February 1, 2000
[This article was written on the request of Christianity Today. See also their web site:]
The killings in Al-Koshh were preceded by escalated tensions in which different parties, including exaggerations in the Western press about Al-Koshh in 1998, the role of...