Displaying 1 - 7 of 7.
Anas al-Tikrītī’s British bank accounts, alongside those of his family and his famed organization, Cordoba Foundation, have been closed by the British government.
Pastor Paul Ḥalīm, official spokesperson of the Coptic Orthodox Church, said that the Coptic community in England organized a Christmas celebration, attended by Ambassador Nāṣir Kāmil, Egyptian ambassador to the United Kingdom, and Dr. Jalāl Saʿīd, President of the Egyptian Community.
On his way back from a short visit to the U.K., Pope Shenouda was improperly asked to undergo a body search and a security screening at London’s Heathrow Airport. The procedure prompted the Egyptian ambassador in London to submit a complaint to the British Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the...
Minister of awqaf [religious endowments], Dr. Mahmoud Hamdi Zaqzouq, announced that the Ministry’s plan to send Islamic caravans touring world capitals to correct the mistaken image of Islam will start on June 6th. The delegation includes six Islamic scholars known to have the knowledge and the...
The American paper the Boston Globe published an article Friday, October 23 on the persecution of Egypt’s Copts by the Egyptian police. On Sunday October 25, the British newspaper The Sunday Telegraph published a front-page article written by Christina Lamb under the provocative title "The Egyptian...
Two days after President Mubarak’s refusal to release the Israeli Spy Azam Azam, the Zionist Lobby spread across Western countries launched a rude campaign against Egypt.
EGYPTIAN Christians have been subjected to horrific crucifixion rituals, raped and tortured by the security forces during a crackdown on the ancient Coptic community, according to international human rights and Christian groups.
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