Displaying 121 - 130 of 888.
Constitution expert Ibrāhīm Darwīsh, however, said the decision was a grave mistake committed against Egypt and ran counter to the constitutional legitimacy the president was sworn in.  
Pope Tawadros stated in a TV interview that Egypt cannot be compared to any country in the world and needs a man such as al-Sīsī. He stated that in the past elections the Church has supported Ahmad Shafīq, as he is qualified and has managed the Ministry of Aviation well, which is why they supported...
In an interview by Al Wafd newspaper with Samīr Ghatās, the president of the Middle East Forum for Strategic Studies, he stated that the U.S. position pertaining to the Christians in Egypt is flawed with double standards. He said that previously it was not acceptable if the glass of a church was...
  Meanwhile, Prime Minister Hishām Qandīl sent Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources Dr. Muhammad Bahā’ al-Dīn to Addis Ababa to offer condolences to the Ethiopian leaders over the death of Abune Paulos, the head of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, who passed away at the age of 76
  Meanwhile, Prime Minister Hishām Qandīl sent Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources Dr. Muhammad Bahā’ al-Dīn to Addis Ababa to offer condolences to the Ethiopian leaders over the death of Abune Paulos, the head of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, who passed away at the age of 76
Yesterday afternoon the U.S.Congress Foreign Relations Committee held (Oct. 1) a formal hearing on the violation of human rights in Egypt and theattacksonChristiansandchurches. This was in the presenceofBishopAngaelos, Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church of England.The session included a hearing...
A recent fatwá of Dr. Yūsuf al-Qaradāwī, stated that calling for participation in the coming presidential elections is harām (religiously prohibited).
The Coptic Orthodox Patriarchy in Alexandria warned that leaflets attributed to a Coptic author have been spread in the streets of Alexandria including false information about the “Copts’ success” in ousting the Islamists from power. Also the leaflet says that Copts have filed a claim for autonomy...
The Committee amending the “Exercise of Political Rights” and the “Parliamentary Elections” laws will receive today  the draft law the technical sub-committee has completed.   
Security forces of the Ministry of Interior arrested 14 people accused of attacking police stations and the Church of St. Dimyana in Faiyum, as well as inciting for violence in different governorates.


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