Date of source: Thursday, January 13, 2011
According to the article, the Vatican shares Egypt's wish to avoid an escalation of inter-religious tensions. This comes after Cairo on Tuesday recalled its ambassador from the Holy See following comments by Pope Benedict XVI, who condemed the church bombing in Alexandria and called for the country...
Date of source: Thursday, January 6, 2011
Egypt's Foreign Minister Ahmad Abū al-Ghayt says that the protection of places of worship is the responsibility of the government.
This comes after that the recent church attack in Alexandria raised the alarm about the safety of Christians in the Middle East.
French Foreign Minister Michele Alliot...
Date of source: Monday, January 3, 2011
The ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) has accused the former chief of the UN nuclear watchdog, Muḥammad al-Barād‘ī, of exploiting the Alexandria church bombing to achieve political gains.
Al-Barād‘ī is not only being criticized for politicizing the blast, but also for criticizing the...
Date of source: Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Following the atrocity in Alexandria, many Christians have responded with angry demonstrations and violence. Though an understandable reaction, AWR's Jayson Casper proposes an idea for Christmas Eve that can unite Christians with the very security forces they are rallying against…
Date of source: Sunday, January 2, 2011
The Egyptian government and religious officials continue to express their shock and their outrage over the attack of the Church of the Two Saints, Saint Mark and Pope Peter in Alexandria.
Safwat al-Sharīf, the chairman of the Supreme Press Council, stressed the importance of finding out everything...
Date of source: Sunday, January 2, 2011
President Husnī Mubārak called upon Egypt's Muslims and Christians to unite against terrorism, after a car bomb killed 21 people and injured 70 outside the Church of the Two Saints, Saint Mark and Pope Peter in Alexandria. Christians immediately protested in the streets after the blasts. Mubārak...
Date of source: Saturday, January 1, 2011
Date of source: Saturday, January 1, 2011
AWR Chief Editor Cornelis Hulsman says that the government, Muslims, and Christians need to work together to address the growing sectarian tension in Egypt in order to prevent future attacks, such as the the New Year's Day bombing of a Coptic Orthodox Church in Alexandria, which left 21 dead and...
Date of source: Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Thousands of Jews are traveling this week to a tiny village in the Beheira governate on the Nile Delta in order to visit a 200 year-old shrine to Abū Hasīrah, a Jewish Egyptian rabbi.
Some residents of the village protest the event, saying that Israelis shouldn’t be allowed to enter Egypt while...
Date of source: Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Muslim Brotherhood member Magdī ‘Āshūr found his way to the Egyptian Parliament in the recent elections. The result, however, does not seem to please the outlawed group, which had decided to boycott the elections due to their alleged unfairness and falsification committed by the regime against the ...