Displaying 1 - 6 of 6.
 Recent reports of unknown actors financing NGOs have begun to surface in the media. These elements reportedly finance NGOs and use them as a façade for political activities that stir up problems in street alongside efforts that are nominally engaged in development work.  (2 May 2015, al-Wafd,...
 An NGO called the “Sisters’ Network” is holding the first ever panel that addresses problems confronting modern women from an Islamic perspective. The President of the organization explained that the organization relies on principles of women’s rights in Islam. The conference is being held in...
 An NGO called the “Sisters’ Network” is holding the first ever panel that addresses problems confronting modern women from an Islamic perspective. The President of the organization explained that the organization relies on principles of women’s rights in Islam. The conference is being held in...
Sacd al-Dīn Ibrāhīm, one of Egypt’s most prominent activists and human rights crusaders, has challenged his country’s leaders for most of his life. He was imprisoned from 2000 to 2003 on charges that were criticized internationally as being politically motivated. Ibrāhīm is writing his memoirs as a...
We regret we have to inform you that the Council of State has again postponed a decision about our request for NGO status. The next hearing has been scheduled for October 9, 2005.
The author reviews the new NGO bill’s controversial provisions as well as its positive aspects.
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