Displaying 201 - 210 of 234.
Maurice Sadek encourages complaints of religious persecution. The authors spoke to a Christian journalist who wanted to emigrate and who was encouraged to claim persecution.
The board of trustees of the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights (EOHR) has reconsidered the issue of foreign finance and has returned the check presented by the British embassy.
Egyptian human rights organizations express their deep concern about the accelerating campaign aiming at sullying the reputation of the human rights movement and questioning its credibility and the patriotism of those running the organizations.
The strangest thing in the events of Al-Koshh was the campaign that was waged by the State authorities against the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights, that was used as a scapegoat by the security to cover its violations and acts of group torture.
After, ’Akhbar Al-Hawadeth’ published the full details on the events that happened in Al-Koshh village, and after we completed our endeavor on finding out the truth. The paper interviewed a former member of the EOHR in Sohag who accused dr. Christiaan van Nispen to have asked him to establish a...
Hafez Abou Se’da, secretary general of the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights (EOHR), admits accepting foreign funds and aid. But the charter of the organization states certain conditions for accepting funds, Se’da adds. In fact, the government itself forced them to take foreign funds, since it...
A few days ago, the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights issued a detailed report about Al-Koshh incident. The government announced that it was full of mistakes and it was issued specifically to serve foreign organizations that are anti-Egypt.
The author does not think that what happened in the village of Koshh had anything to do with religious persecution because religious persecution means forcing people to change their religious beliefs, and this did not happen in the village. Foreign Copts have rushed too fast in organizing their...
The Sunday Telegraph went on in its suspicious campaign against Egypt. It attacked this time 2000 Egyptian Copts who signed a statement refuting the paper’s allegations against Egypt.
The Human Rights Organization, which made the report on Al-Koshh village, said that the torture of Muslims and Christians was not a case of religious persecution. It was just a case of police abuse towards the Egyptian citizens.


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