Displaying 1 - 10 of 190.
The Sohag [Sūhāj] Family Court has ruled that the husband’s conversion to Islam is not sufficient cause to grant his Christian wife a divorce, refusing to apply the official statute of the Coptic Orthodox Church.
Mabrūk ʿAṭiyya mocked Christ saying he is not a ‘sayyid’ (venerated leader) as most people refer to him.
Lawyer Najīb Jibrāʾīl, legal adviser to the Coptic Orthodox Church and head of the Egyptian Union Organization for Human Rights (EUOHR), filed a lawsuit on Wednesday August 25, 2021, to the Administrative Court demanding the Minister of Interior and the Civil Status Sector to remove the religion...
Dr. Najīb Jubrā'īl, Head of the Egyptian Union for Human Rights Organization, said that the Muslim Brotherhood are trying to enforce the Church name in the current events even though the Church did not interfere in politics and did not incite Copts to do anything (referring to protests off the...
Upon the decline of the Coptic Orthodox Church to join the dialogue initiated by President Muhammad Mursῑ after several of the Constituent Assembly members have withdrawn, Archpriest Angelious Ishāq, spokesman of Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II, stated that the Church is not rejecting a meeting...
In his report to the Public Prosecutor against the so-called group Ansār al-Sharī’ah, Dr. Najīb Jubrā’īl stressed that what came on the Facebook page of that group or militia is a crime, a threat to the security and safety of the homeland, causing unrest and threatening the public and social peace...
Dr. Najīb Jubrā’īl, head of the Egyptian Union of Human Rights Organization, filed a report to the newly-appointed Public Prosecutor, Tal’at ‘Abdullah, in which he asked for arresting members of the so-called Ansār al-Sharī’ah, or supporters of sharī’ah.
The three major churches of Egypt condemned the statement of Khayrat Al-Shātir, MB’s Deputy Supreme Guide, and described it as an attempt to ignite inter-communal conflicts in Egypt. 
Najuīb Jubrā’īl, the head of the Egyptian Union for Human Rights Organization, stated that Copts are paying the price for participating in June 30th. This is through having more than 102 of their churches burnt (Husām Abū al-Makārim, et al, al-Wafd, Oct. 12, p. 5). Read original text in Arabic.  
 Counselor Najῑb Jubr’ῑl, Head of the Egyptian Union for Human Rights Organization, stated that the church does not intervene in the decision that members of her denomination take on whether to boycott the upcoming plebiscite or to vote for or against it. He added, that after January 25 Revolution...


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