Displaying 21 - 30 of 36.
Shukrī reports on the recent sectarian incident against Bahā’ī citizens that took place in Upper Egypt.
Watani International interviewed the human rights activist ‘Alī al-Samman who founded the ’Committee of 15’ following the sectarian events that took place in Alexandria in 2005
Egyptians against Religious Discrimination have released a statement which claims that the ruling against Christian twins Andrew and Mario is a form of discrimination.
The article looks at the aftermath of the sectarian violence in Ísna and comments on the statement from the Egyptians against Religious Discrimination group that condemns the incidents and suggests ways to avoid further sectarian tension in the future.
The article provides a comprehensive report of the incidents that took place at Abu Fana monastery on May 31 this year. The article discusses the repercussions of the attacks and comments on the widespread anger of Copts in the region.
Ahmad ‘Abd al-Jalīl writes about religious discrimination among members of the Misryūn Dhid al-Ta‘asub [Egyptians against discrimination] group.
The unofficial reconciliation session of the Abu Fana incident is due to take place shortly in Minia, however many believe that the incident is still not resolved.
A group of reporters and journalists have visited St. Makarius monastery in the Western Desert to show their condemnation over the government’s sale of the land to investors, despite the fact that it may contain items of substantial archaeological worth.
The article reports on the chaos that recently erupted in the Journalists’ Syndicate regarding the prevention of holding a conference on religious discrimination in Egypt.
The author, Ishaq Ibrāhim, interviewed the head of Egyptians Against Religious Discrimination [EARD] Mūnir Mejahid about the group’s members, goals and methods.


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