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The authors stress that misguided media reporting often only serves to further tensions, particularly in cases of sectarian strife. They urge individuals to not only critically consider what is published, but if incorrect information is presented as factual evidence, to do something about it.
Drs. Cornelis Hulsman presented this text at the recent roundtable discussions of the European Institute of the Mediterranean, which were held on “Journalism and freedom of expression in the Mediterranean; responsibilities and limits.”
AWR is making good progress in building the Electronic Documentation Center. Growing interest and attention for AWR work.
Rev. Dr. John Watson writes that all religious institutions live by internal conflict. The real conflict is not between Muslims and Christians of the region, but between the West and the Islamic orient.
Lectures stating that Christianity is coming to an end in most Middle Eastern countries which is strongly related to Western interference in the region.Media attention for AWR work.
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