Displaying 1 - 10 of 18.
Conflict between the Church and Islamic political movements developed after the Church's withdrawal from the Constituent Assembly and the Presidency's disregard for Coptic demands. Coptic Orthodox Bishop Marqus of Shubrā al-Khaymah said: “The Church does not fear the regime. The future of the State...
The Union of Coptic Organisations has called on Europe to bring down the Egypt’s first elected President. The Union, which was prominent among supporters of Ahmad Shafīq during the presidential elections, said that civil society has to support demonstrators who want President Mursī to stand down...
Rose al-Yūsuf has published an interview with Midhat Qilādah, president of the Union of Coptic Organisations in Europe, who will hold a meeting with representatives of the European Union to present the conditions for Copts in Egypt under President Muhammad Mursī. In the interview Qilādah claims...
According to the U.S. Breitbart Online newspaper, leaders of Egypt's Coptic Christian community called for the abolition of an “exploitative” blasphemy law, but praised President `Abd al-Fattāh al-Sisi for saving them from the oppression of the Muslim Brotherhood.
European Union of Coptic Organizations for Human Rights denounced the ruling of Minya court in which 12 Christians were sentenced to life imprisonment while 8 Muslims were acquitted in spite of committing many crimes like holding weapons and explosives, attacking the others to kill them and...
  The Coptic Organizations Union in Europe “AYKOR” denounced the arrest of the Egyptian Blogger Michael Nabīl and sending the activist 'Alā’ 'Abd al-Fattāh to prison. It asked the Military Council to release Nabīl immediately. Nabīl was sent to a mental hospital last week after being arrested for 7...
  The Union of Coptic Organisations in Europe called on Egypt’s Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) to release detained political activist Michel Nabil.   Nabil has been arrested for writing a blog titled The People and the Army Were Never One Hand and convicted of insulting the military and...
For their part, the Coptic youth movement Maspero Youth issued a statement in which it declared its deep concern at the dominion of the Islamist currents. They revealed their total discontent with the raising of the Saudi flag by the Islamists, and said they were fully prepared to defend the option...
Some Egyptian Christian emigrants have always been parroting during the former regime's time that they could not come to Egypt to convene meetings and forums for dialogue over the Christian citizens' cares and problems as well as discrimination and challenges facing equality in Egypt.
 'Amr Khālid, Islamic preacher, said that Islam rejects the religious state because it makes a person holy and talks on behalf of Allah, which is rejected both religiously and politically. In a European Union of Coptic Organizations for Human Rights conference, Khālid rejected using religion in...


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