Displaying 101 - 110 of 205.
The author discusses the different challenges Turkey is facing with its pursuit of European membership.
The European Union is now developing a new strategy to review the language it uses to describe terrorists who claim to act in the name of Islam.
American stereotypical images about Islam. Friction in U.S. Foreign Policy and a sharp rise in anti-Americanism in Arab world. Book warning against religious leaders involving in the politics of the state.
Nearly 480 people, including 314 members of the banned Muslim Brotherhood have been arrested on charges of organizing unauthorized demonstrations in support of the judges, who blew the whistle on election fraud.
A Somali-born member of the Dutch parliament, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, quits over her inaccurate asylum application.
During his recent visit to Egypt, former prime minister of the Netherlands, Prof. Andreas Van Agt, has praised Egypt’s role in promoting interfaith and intercultural dialogue. He has also welcomed the efforts of the Center for Arab-West Understanding (CAWU) to bridge the gap between the Arab...
During his visit to Egypt last week, former prime minister of The Netherlands, Prof. Andreas Van Agt, gave a lecture entitled, "Culture and business: The Netherlands as the gateway to Europe,” at the Cairo International Lions Club. The lecture addressed the Palestinian- Israeli conflict and the...
Al-Ahrām al-‘Arabī had an interview with Dr. Bishāra Khidr, a professor of political and economic sciences at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium and the director of the Modern Center for Arabic Studies at the same university, during his visit to Cairo. He talked about his opinions...
David Ignatius explores Iran’s seeming diplo-phobia, which makes it extremely reluctant to negotiate with the West over the issue of nuclear enrichment, and which made it drag its heels over a treaty with Iraq to end the Iran-Iraq war. He argues that for theocratic regimes or groups that claim a...


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