Displaying 121 - 130 of 172.
Dr. Nabil Luka Bebawi has written a book titled “Islam spread by the sword, true or false?” He explains that Islam is innocent of the claim that it spread by the edge of the sword. The Sheikh of the Azhar thanked Bebawi for his book and recommended that the book be translated into many foreign...
The Protestant Community Council in Egypt rejects and condemns the statements made by reverends Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Franklin Graham and Shem Douglas against Islam. It stresses that such statements will not affect the relations between Muslims and Christians in Egypt.
Pope Shenouda commented in New York on many issues, such as, the United States´ approach in combating terrorism, the Palestinian issue and the American rage over the case of Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim.
More than two million Muslims and Christians celebrated the mulid of the Holy Virgin in Durunka monastery, in Assiut. Bishop Mikhail of Assiut expressed his appreciation and happiness at the great efforts the governorate exerts to develop religious places and places for tourism in Assiut.
The Maglis el-Milli of the Evangelical churches in Egypt headed by Dr. Safwat Al-Bayadi condemned the inhuman Israeli practices against the Palestinians. The Maglis called upon all churches, international and local ecclesiastical bodies, the international community and organizations to support the...
The author reviews a book by an Evangelical pastor discussing the status of Christians in Arab countries from the perspective of citizenship and the relationship between Christians and ruling regimes in the Arab world.
Members of the Coptic and Muslim communities respond to President Mubārak’s decision to shift the authority regulating the building and demolition of houses of worship to the governors.
The celebration of 150 years of presence of the Evangelical Church [e.g. the Presbyterian denomination] in Egypt stressed both the universality and the deep-rootedness of this Church in Egyptian society. Held in a true spirit of celebration, prayer and thanksgiving, the event was also a perfectly...
Rev. Dr. Wolfram Reiss joined the advisory board of the RNSAW. He is a German Scholar with broad knowledge of inter-religious studies, focusing in the relations between the three religions, which have their cradle in the Middle East: Judaism, Oriental-Orthodox Christianity and Islam. He studied...
The Coptic Church announced its new initiative to support dialogue among the three Christian denominations: Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant. Pope Shenouda held a special celebration for one of the biggest Protestant institutions working in Egypt, Dar Al-Kitab Al-Moqaddas [Bible Society]. This...


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