Displaying 141 - 150 of 172.
The Evangelical Church of Egypt and the Middle East in California criticized the pro-Israeli position of America with regards to the peace process. It accused the Washington administration of becoming a partner with Israel in denying the rights of the Palestinians.
The Church of St. John the Baptist, in Assiut, and the Evangelical Church of Abu Hammad, in Al-Sharqiya, were given restoration licenses by the governor of Assiut and the town council of Abu Hammad, respectively. However, security forces intervened and stopped the restoration works in the two...
The American Evangelical church praised the religious freedom Christians enjoy in Egypt. The Supreme Council of the Evangelical Church expressed the church’s worries about the harm the US Commission for International Religious Freedom may cause as a result of the investigations it makes in some...
Max Michael is an Egyptian Orthodox Christian who founded a religious association offering religious and family care services. Despite the work he is doing, people from the church classify him as an outlaw who left the church. Michael claims he is an Orthodox and that he has all respect for Pope...
The Orthodox Church does not recognize the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, Plymouth Brethren and Evangelists. It considers them as sects that have deviated from church references that are based on the Holy Bible, ecumenical councils, fathers’ sayings and church laws. Representatives of...
The head of the Evangelical church in Assiut, said that the church there would contribute to the restoration of the mosque located beside the church and would donate three thousand pounds to pave the road to the mosque and the church.
The author replies to Soheir Labib A’azer’s comment on his article "The Pope and the apology." A’azer believed that most of what the author wrote was incorrect and was prejudiced against the Pope. However, the author stressed that he did not lower the importance of what the Pope did.
The Evangelical church of Shoubra Al-Nozha will hold its second celebration to honor model mothers on the occasion of family day. Ten women, including seven Muslims, will be honored.
Pastor Shawqi Nabaeh Istas brought the head of the Free Methodist Churches Council and the head of the Evangelical church before the Court of Administrative Justice. Istas wants to cancel the decision taken to depose him and freeze his membership of the General council.
In Cooperation with the Ministry of Waqfs, The Coptic Evangelical Organization of Social Services organized a conference, under the banner of scientific thinking between practice and ambitions. The head of the Azhar Permanent Committee for Inter Religious Dialogue said that the dialogue aims to...


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