Displaying 161 - 170 of 172.
Priest Ibrahim Abdel Sayyed had a very sarcastic pen. When some people tried to bring him and the Patriarch closer to each other, the Patriarch said that it was better for him not to open his case again or everything would be revealed. These words were the words of condemnations, not words of...
In the continuing absence of Pope Shenouda outside Egypt on a trip to America, the Orthodox Cathedral in Abbassia refused to give permission for prayers to be made over the dead body of the priest Ibrahim Abdel Sayyed pastor of the church of Mari Girgis [St. George] in El-Maadi, in any church of...
The RNSAW gave a summary of both Rose el-Yousef articles in RNSAW, week 28, edition July 9-15, 1999. Since several readers asked for the full text that text is given in this issue together with comments from Evangelical Egyptian church leaders. Wa’el Lotfi writes about the opposition of Egypt’s...
[Report presented to the New York Council of Churches] The history of seven girls mentioned in the advertisement is described. That description is followed by listing the reasons for conversion and recommendations for human rights workers, the church and the government. The text is open for...
A comment on the claims made in the advertisement. The author has been collecting information in the past four years on 80 Christian girls who converted to Islam. Seven out of the ten names mentioned in the advertisement were in his files. There is no evidence of kidnap but the young age of several...
Gamaal As’ad responds to an article by a Catholic priest in last week’s Rose El-Youssef magazine which attacked the Coptic church, and in which the priest wrote amongst other things concerning the Egyptian Orthodox Church: "these people have transformed our sacred message into shouts and uproars....
The Pentagono certificates were especially widespread among Protestant Christians, including the Maadi Community Church. Thousands and thousands have participated but the claim in several papers that 300 million US$ was taken out of the country seems to be exaggerated. Was the number inflated to...
Marriage among Christians in Egypt has become a time bomb that may blow up anytime to increase the disputes among Christian churches and create a crisis in the Coptic Orthodox Church. More than 44,000 Copts have obtained divorce decrees, but they are unable to get permissions for a second marriage...
The first Islamic-Christian Egyptian German joint dialogue in cooperation with the Symposium of Civilizations under the auspices of the Coptic Evangelical Authority for Social Services and the Evangelical Church in Germany took place in Luxor.
After well over 20 years of trials to issue a unified Personal Status Law for all Christian churches in Egypt, the People’s Assembly will discuss a tentative law if it secures the approval of the Ministry of Justice. Although the majority of Christian churches in Egypt approved the draft law, it...


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