Displaying 81 - 90 of 172.
Dr. Isaac Fānūs freely spoke his mind about the issues he found important. Dr. Fānūs was critical about ecclesiastical institutions and leadership, including those in his own Coptic Orthodox Church. In this interview religions are described as societal entities that humans have created and...
The Evangelical denomination has opened its door to the denomination presidential election by deleting the item that confined the presidency to men which, for the first time, permits women to run for election.
Different Christian newspapers try to garner Coptic readers. Most of the papers are not of a good quality and most adopt exaggerated expressions to attract as many readers as possible.
In an interview with al-Dustūr, Dr. Ṣafwat al- Bayyāḍī, the head of the Evangelical denomination in Egypt, stressed the right of Egyptian Christians to proselytize their religious beliefs and denied claims that missionary activities in Egypt are financed by the Evangelical Church in the United...
Max Michel stresses the legitimacy of his church, and the Coptic Orthodox Church stresses its rejection. Pope Shenouda is ready to meet Max Michel when the latter expresses his regression and removes his patriarchal garments and title.
More than 85 Egyptian Christians have rejected what Revd. Jerry Falwell said about the Prophet Muhammad being a terrorist. Three members of the Egyptian parliament have asked the prime minister to issue a decree to the effect of not allowing the enemies of Islām and those who disgrace Prophet...
The writer records some religion men’s opinions on "the al-Sharīf Gospel" and their causes to object it.
An Islamic-Christian dialogue conference was held in Cairo from December 18-20. All the participants stressed the importance of building a "culture of dialogue" that can face the challenges confronting the Arab societies from outside and inside. The conference presented "A charter for a...
Pope Shenouda III and the head of the Evangelical Church congratulated the Grand Imām and all Muslims on the Lesser Bairam.
The number of articles published about Christmas reflects the attention the Egyptian press paid to celebrations of it. The article gives a list of the articles published in five newspapers.


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