Displaying 1 - 5 of 5.
On Monday evening, the 129th plenary session of the Presbyterian Evangelical Synod of the Nile of Egypt was held at the headquarters of the Presbyterian Evangelical Church in al-Azbakīa. The meeting began with prayer and then the Reverent Rifʿat Fikrī, the head of the Synod of the Nile of the...
The Evangelical Synod of the Nile held a plenary meeting as part of session 129 at the headquarters of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in al-Azbakiyya.
The presidential body has promised the three major Egyptian churches to appoint eight members of the Shūrá Council, four members to represent Orthodox, two for the Evangelical Church, and two for the Catholic Church. Within the frame launched by President Mursī for “national dialogue”, Vice...
The Evangelist Synod in Cairo recently gathered to discuss remarks of Pastor Sāmih Maurice during his homily on the formation of a committee that deals with the topic of “gifts of the Holy Spirit”, which has led to resentment from evangelical Copts. 
The Evangelical church in Sanabu and the Council of Evangelical Churches of Mallawi dispute a piece of land that a Christian donated to the church in Sanabu in 1900. The pastor of the Sanabu church was removed from his post because he did not listen to the requests of the council concerning the...
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