Displaying 21 - 30 of 96.
Dr. Muhammad Habib, deputy of the Supreme Guide of the Brotherhood announced that the group seeks to open dialogue with small opposition parties following the dialogue it has opened with major opposition parties: Al-the Wafd party, the Nasserist party and theAl- Tagammu party. The Brotherhood...
Long before the elections begin, various organizations are in a hectic race to win the dollars of foreign funding made available to monitor the forthcoming elections. Sa’cd al-Dīn Ibrāhīm has struck gold securing 10 million dollars in Canadian-European-US funding.
The press review sheds light on a meeting recently held between House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and a leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood, Muhammad Sa‘d al-Katātnī, at the U.S. Ambassador to Egypt Francis Riccardone’s residence. It also highlights an alleged deal between the Brotherhood and...
Despite the public uproar, the constitutional amendments were approved in a vote in Parliament. While the government and its advocators assert the importance of the amendments in enhancing democracy and supporting people, the opposition considers them an enhancement of the powers of the ruling and...
Leaders of al-Wafd, al-Tajamu‘,and al-Nāsirī parties have refused to ally with the Muslim Brotherhood after the latter announced its willingness to ally with other political parties in the upcoming period.
The Center for Arab-West Understanding presents its annual report for 2006, highlighting the objectives achieved and the goals for the upcoming year. 2006 was landmarked by growing toward the Center for Arab-West Understanding, and laying the basis for an electronic documentation center.
The Abū al-Matāmīr tensions triggered a full-page article in Sawt al-Ummah newspaper claiming that Israel wants to declare a Coptic state in Upper Egypt or Hurghada. Other discussions followed the tensions, some of them very emotional.
Rif‘at al-Said, the spokesman for the Egyptian opposition parties? alliance, said he met with the U.S. Ambassador in Cairo David Welch for a couple of hours.
Shock shrouded political circles in Egypt after Abd al-Halim Qandil, the Executive Editor-in-Chief of al-Arabi newspaper, the mouthpiece of the opposition Nasserite Party, was kidnapped, beaten and left stark naked on the Cairo-Suez desert highway on the dawn of November 2, 2004. Hundreds of public...
Magdy Khalil, a Coptic writer in the US, wrote a series of three articles in Watani newspaper under a general title "A Returnee from Cairo." In this series, he comments on the conditions of Copts in Egypt. al-Arabi, mouthpiece of the Nasserist Party, and Islamic independent Aqidati highly...


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