Displaying 101 - 110 of 149.
The article is about Hasan Nasr Allāh and Hizb Allāh’s foundation. The author assesses Iranian influence upon the Hizb Allāh.
The author reports the reaction of Muslim scholars on the fatwás issued by some shaykhs which denounce support for the Hizb Allāh because they are Shī‘ah.
Muntasir al-Zayyāt, head of the Freedoms Committee at the Bar Association, analyzes the latest video tape sent by Ayman al-Zawāhirī where he encourages the Islamic resistance in Lebanon. He also touches on the latest developments in the Middle East.
Sawt al-Ummah interviews the Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood and questions him on a number of controversial issues.
A professor from the Institute for Strategic Studies writes about Islamic fundamentalism and the Hezbollah.
Martin Accad argues that there are many misunderstandings about certain realities in the Middle East, the first of which has to do with the use of the term "terrorist." He also discusses apocalyptic forms of Islam and Christianity, and how people can help the situation.
David Ignatius explores Iran’s seeming diplo-phobia, which makes it extremely reluctant to negotiate with the West over the issue of nuclear enrichment, and which made it drag its heels over a treaty with Iraq to end the Iran-Iraq war. He argues that for theocratic regimes or groups that claim a...
The Muslim Brotherhood’s demonstrations in support of the independence of the Egyptian judiciary have posed many questions over the group’s respect for the current “positive laws,” Mustafa Bayyoumī writes.
Ma’moun Fandī criticizes Egyptian media’s silence toward the insult the Muslim Brotherhood’s guide directed to Egypt. He believes that one explanation for this silence is the heavy presence of Islamists inside media outlets.
The head of the Lebanese government asked the new Papal Ambassador in Lebanon to send his condolences to Pope John Paul II, for the attack on Christians in Pakistan. He stated that those who stand behind such operations have the intention of dragging the world into a struggle between its...


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