Displaying 21 - 30 of 152.
Lam‘ī says that Hizb Allāh leader Hasan Nasr Allāh is both a curse and a blessing for Lebanon because he represents both the resistance against Israel, as well as a defect in the Lebanese government by his group’s mere existence. He talks about the allegations of Hizb Allāh being involved in Rafīq...
Heated international political controversies and events continue to associate Islam with violence and intolerance.
This article gives a brief background on the various Christian communities in the Middle East, emphasizing the decline of the Christian population over the last century. This is a result of emigration to western Europe and America, driven by several factors, among them persecution
Cornelis Hulsman, co-founder of Arab-West Report, is planning to return to The Netherlands in September 2009 and has decided that the AWR editorials will be written with the English language editor. Gaza has obviously been a recurrent theme in many of the articles in this week’s issue and that is...
The renowned scholar John Esposito has published his views on the effect that the election of President Obama will have on U.S relations with the Middle East. He comments that in the Muslim world, as in Europe and much of the world, Obama is welcomed as an internationalist president.
This article sheds light on salafism in Egypt. It points out the areas in which salafis spread and shows how powerful they are in these areas.
This article reports on recent clashes between Syrian and Iranian backed Hizb Allāh and government troops in Lebanon.
The author believes that even if Islam is the solution, Muslims themselves are the problem. Whenever they have weapons, they direct them towards their countries’ regimes even if the regimes govern in the name of Islam.
The article reflects on the current situation in Israel and Palestine. The author discusses the various strategies that Hamās and Fatah are taking and analyzes the possible different Israeli reactions to the situation.
On February 12, Arab countries adopted a charter which puts limits on Arab satellite channels and prohibits offending political and religious figures. Qatar has rejected the document and Lebanon has expressed its reservations. The article outlines the repercussions of the incident.


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