Displaying 291 - 300 of 349.
The author reviews the Holy Synod elections and the argument over the conditions for voting.
The domination of the pope on the Millī Council and its candidates is the subject of criticism by the author of the article.
The article deals with the issue of Zakarīyā Butrus, a defrocked Coptic priest who attacks Islam on the satellite channel al-Hayāt, a matter which Bishop Bīshouy, the secretary of the Coptic Holy Synod, said runs counter to Christianity.
Father Filopātīr was punished by the church after he published an article in which he criticized the president and the ruling party.
The Egyptian Federation for Human Rights has petitioned the pope to extenuate the ruling against Father Filopātīr Jamīl, a priest suspended for two years on charges of betraying the church.
Disciplinary measures start with investigations, which must be conducted by a neutral fair investigator, who is obliged to hear statements of the witnesses and the priest’s defense. Decisions are taken by consensus, and therefore the author argues that the claims that Bishop Bīshouy has been...
Kamāl Zākhir Mousa stresses the need for reform within the Egyptian Orthodox Church, which, according to him, has started to take a more political rather than spiritual approach towards many issues related to the Egyptian Coptic community.
The assistant accused Bishop Baphnutius of "rebelling against Orthodoxy” due to his failure to attend the Holy Synod’s sessions for years. "The punishment for attacking Bishop Bīshouy would not be small, and Baphnutius is tightening the noose around his own neck.”
A group of Copts headed by the Bishop of Samāllout is calling for the dismissal of Bishop Bīshouy, who they say has assaulted the dignity of the church and has abused his power.
Bishop Matiās, the bishop of al-Mahallah al-Kubra, resigned months ago and left for the United States and refused to return to Egypt until his mother began a hunger strike, Bishop Paphnotius’ message to Pope Shenouda read.


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