Displaying 1 - 10 of 18.
Members of the judiciary in Alexandria started a sit-in on Friday (November 23) prior to their participation in extraordinary meetings of the Judges Clubs’ general assemblies scheduled to be held today (November 24) in protest over the recent decrees by President Mursī.
Background:  On the first day of the 1995 United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders in Cairo, a press conference is given which outlines the congress’ objectives, key challenges in the fight against globalising organised crime and the conference’s preparation...
Maurice Sādiq assured that he plans to return to Cairo within a few days, and that no one can prevent him from visiting his country. He noted that he will challenge the case and will turn to the Hague-based International Court of Justice if the verdict was not suspended.  
    As southern Sudan prepares to vote this week on a possible secession from the north, Sunnī Khālid says that the African-American community is also divided on the issue...      
AWR Editor-in-chief Cornelis Hulsman explains his disagreement with the views of Dutch scholar Dr. Matthijs De Blois about Israel and Palestine, following the release of De Blois book “Israel: A state in discussion?”
The Egyptian Movement for Change, Kifāya, upgraded defiance in the face of the ruling regime, insisting on tracking down the persons suspected of assaulting protesters against the plebiscite on article 76 of the constitution dealing with presidential elections, including women, before the...
The Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies [CIHRS] has sent an appeal to the president of the republic and the speakers of both houses of Parliament called to amend Article Two of the Constitution that states that Islam is the religion of the state and Islamic sharīʿā is the main source of...
The World Council of Churches, called on the Israeli government to ‘stop the building the separation wall on Palestinian occupied territory and retreat,” that is to remove the wall. The council admitted “Israel’s legitimate security concerns,” but it pointed out that the separation fence hinders...
A court in The Netherlands has approved the extradition of Wisām, 32 years-old, an Iraqi-born Dutchmen, to the United States to face trial for participating in attacks on U.S troops in the Iraqi city of Falūjah.
A report published by United Civilians for Peace (U.C.P.), an organization active in the development field, revealed that many Dutch companies invest in Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, especially in the West Bank.


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