Displaying 1 - 5 of 5.
The first hearing of Saad Eddin Ibrahim’s trial was postponed to January. In a statement to al-Hayat, he said that he was not summoned to be investigated for any new accusations. al-Arabi published the text of the State Security Prosecutor about Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim’s communication with...
A professor from the Institute for Strategic Studies writes about Islamic fundamentalism and the Hezbollah.
The author introduces the viewpoints of renowned Muslim intellectuals about the relationship between Islam and democracy.
News about the arrest of terrorist suspects all over Europe and the U.S. drew the attention to what is known as the dormant terrorist cells of al-Qācida
The news about arresting terrorist suspects all over Europe and the US drew the attention to what is known as the dormant terrorist cells of al-Qā‘ida. Those cells share common impetuses: reestablishing the Islamic Caliphate, the detestation of the US and its policies towards the Arab world and the...
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