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One of the interesting subplots to the Egyptian revolution is the fate of ‘Umar ‘Abd al-Rahmān, known as the Blind Shaykh, who is incarcerated in America for his role in organizing the 1993 attempt to blow up the World Trade Center. His family has maintained a small sit-in protest outside the US...
Forty-three persons, including nine Americans outside Egypt, were referred to the Cairo Criminal Court on charges of involvement in illegal foreign funding, according to investigations. [‘Imād al-Fiqī and Muhammad Hijāb, al-Ahrām, Feb. 7, p. 3] Read original text in Arabic
A document issued by the US Republican Institute reveals the institutes’s plan to infiltrate political parties and civil society organizations in Egypt.
An American study emphasizes that U.S. battle against extremism should be carried out by supporting democratization, even if this leads to moderate Islamists coming to power because they can be a wall of defense against extremists and hardliners.
Rose al-Yousuf interviews the head of the Washington-based U.S. Copts Association (USCA), Michael Munīr, who expresses his point of view on a number of issues, including the recent suspension of the activities of the U.S. Republican Institute, the demands of Egyptian judges and the strong...
The author criticizes the American funding of Egyptian NGOs and US interference in the internal affairs of Arab countries under the pretext of spreading democracy and freedom in the Arab world.
The author discusses the American strategy of creative chaos and its effects on the region. He also discusses the methods the US is adopting to reach its goal.
The author of the article argues that the financial support offered by foreign organization to Egyptian NGOs is spent on political activities and luxuries for these NGOs’ employees.
The authors write about all Egyptian parties’ rejection to deal with the American International Republican Institute (IRI) except one party, the Social Constitutional Party, whose leader, Mamdouh Qināwī, welcomed cooperation with the American institution.
The article deals with the American International Republican Institute (IRI)’s interference in Egyptian politics by urging political parties to shift their attention from the Iraqi and Palestinian fronts to the internal front and the problems facing the country.
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