Date of source: Sunday, October 9, 2005
‘Ādil Jindī states that Ramadān is a proponent of a theory that says Islam in the future will represent a bastion of resistance against Western hegemony, adding that the growing licentiousness in the West will eventually lead to the triumph of Islam.
Date of source: Saturday, October 1, 2005 to Friday, October 7, 2005
A revolutionary religious group will never know a thing about political dreams because their ideas are just a collection of hallucinations. The author critiques the Palestinian revolutionary groups.
Date of source: Tuesday, November 9, 2004
Paris rejected a Jewish call from a US-based Jewish group for legal action against a leading Islamic organization in France, accused of anti-Semitism and alleged to have contacts with the Islamic resistance movement, Hamas.
Date of source: Sunday, October 31, 2004
By listening to Muhammad Mehdi Akef, the seventh guide of the Islamist organization founded in 1928 by Hassan Al-Banna, one has a feeling of dealing with a personality that is regarded as the "pope" of Islam.
Date of source: Saturday, August 28, 2004
Henry Laurens is on his way to take the place of Jack Perck [name is transliterated from Arabic original, we do not know whether the spelling of his name is correct], and Louis Masignon in the specialization and analysis of Arab issues. This young researcher, who is not yet fifty, was recently...
Date of source: Saturday, June 11, 2005
Ashraf al-‘Ashrī wonders whether the time has come for the Arab governments to start communicating publicly with Islamic groups after France and the EU have started to hold dialogues with Arab Islamic groups and not to, merely, restrict their relations to the Arab governments.
Date of source: Saturday, April 23, 2005
One-hundred fifty researchers, academics, politicians and experts from the US and 35 Islamic states attended the three day conference in Doha about US-Islamic dialogue. The forum discussed numerous aspects critical to the relations between the convening parties safter September 11th.
Date of source: Saturday, May 15, 2004
“Dying for the sake of God is our highest hope.” These words are part of motto of the Brotherhood. In fact, death is not the hope of any creature and those who die on the battleground did not regard death as hope. When you highest hope is death, you are then denouncing all the ideas of life, its...
Date of source: Saturday, June 12, 2004
The story of Sheikh Kamil Rayan is not simple. He is a Muslim activist who had been pursued by the Israeli Shabak [Israel’s General Security Services] and was sent to the Al-Naqab Desert to work as a teacher in an unsuccessful attempt to destroy him.
They also fired both him and his wife from...
Date of source: Wednesday, June 2, 2004
Posters containing religious materials are covering all the walls, doors and even the administrative building of the Girls Faculty [ a faculty that accept female students only] affiliated to the Ain Shams University. The Faculty’s professors know very well that the students embrace extremist...