Displaying 1 - 10 of 23.
Le Figaro reports on Najc Hammādī and places these attacks in a context of an extended period of anti-Coptic sentiment in Egypt.
Le Monde reports on the French government expelling a radical Islamist cleric for sermons which they deemed to be inciting violence. The preacher will now return to his native Egypt, although no information is given as to what will happen to him there.  
The article considers to what extent political Islam movements have influenced religious intolerance.
The Basilica of Saint Peter has recently seen the inauguration of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger as Pope Benedict XVI, the 265th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church and sovereign of Vatican City 16 days after the funeral of Pope John Paul II.
Majdī Khalīl discusses the forced disappearance of Coptic girls. The claims around this phenomenon are not new, however it is being announced more frequently. Khalīl discusses the reasons why Coptic families are more often daring to announce the disappearance of their girls, and the reasons behind...
Ahmīdah al-Nufayr criticizes the hostile and aggressive stance adopted by some European figures against Islām and Muslims, describing the security measures in the new French law on immigration as unnecessary and unjustified.
The author discusses serious threats to freedom of expression.
Egyptian newspapers present mixed reactions to Pope Benedict’s "apology" for comments he made earlier this month on Islam and the Prophet Muhammad. In light of the already tense atmosphere in the Muslim world, a Berlin opera company canceled Mozart’s ’Idomeneo’ for fear of protest over...
This article discusses the sequestration of foreign newspapers in Egypt, in the light of the decision to ban three foreign newspapers accused of offending Islam.
The largest spiritual gathering in France was held recently to show Westerners that not all Arabic speakers are Muslim and that there are a significant number of Christians in the Middle East too.


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