Displaying 1 - 10 of 100.
At a conference organized by the Arab League in cooperation with the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace, Dr. Naẓīr ʿAyād, the Secretary General of the Islamic Research Academy, stated that Islam views religious pluralism as an inevitable necessity and a universal sunna. This comes from Islam’s...
UNHCR commended Egypt for affirming its commitment to expand the services available to refugees and asylum seekers in the health sector and ensure sustained access to opportunities in the education sector at the High-Level Officials meeting on 14th and 15th December 2021.
The General Secretariat of the League of Arab States condemned in the strongest terms the aggression of the Israeli occupation authorities against the holy al-Aqṣā Mosque and its deliberate escalation of tensions to divide it spatially and temporally.
Pope Tawāḍrūs congratulated President ʿAbd al-Fatāḥ al-Sīsī for receiving the Leader's Order from the Arab parliament, legislative body of the Arab League, in the name of the Coptic Orthodox Church. The award honors the president for his efforts in serving the Arab world and resolving regional...
This summary focuses on Egypt’s Stance towards the recent Israel-Palestinian events, we collected the information from each of Arabic Post and Raseef 22 to cover the full analysis.
The storming of the US Capitol Building by President Donald Trump’s supporters in Washington D.C. last Wednesday has provoked strong reactions from millions of people around the world, including hundreds of Arabs on social media.
President ʿAbd al-Fattaḥ al-Sīsī warned that he would not tolerate any threat to the security of Egypt’s western border and emphasized that the cities of Sirte and Jufra in Libya are a red line for Egypt.
World Refugee Day has been celebrated annually on June 20 since 2001. This year Egypt’s Supreme Higher Committee for Human Rights cooperated with the Foreign Affairs Ministry’s Department for Immigration, Refugees and Combating Human Trafficking, to review national efforts to support issues...
Ambassador Muḥammad al-Badrī, Assistant Foreign Minister for Arab Affairs and Permanent Representative of the Arab League said that the number of Syrians refugees in Egypt currently stands at 137,000 and represents 10% of the number of refugees in other countries, with an estimated 550,000 Syrian...
Political and social theorist Sir Isaiah Berlin famously compared nationalism to a ‘bent twig’, ‘forced down so severely that when released, it lashed back wit


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