Displaying 131 - 140 of 383.
Dr. Muhamad Mukhtār Gum’ah, Minister of Endowments, stated that a protocol was signed with the Salafi leaders including the Jam’iah al – Shari’iah and Ansār al- Sunnah al Muhammadiyah. The agreement was that a supervisor from the ministry would be appointed in the mosques’ boards in order to...
For the fifth year respectively, The Egyptian ministry of endowments announced on Wednesday's evening the closure of a shrine attributed to Imam al-Ḥussāyn binʿAlī in conjunction with the celebrations of ʿashūrā’ which began yesterday. Egyptian security forces stepped up their presence in front of...
Yesterday, the conference of the Supreme Islamic Council entitled “the Dangers of Takfīrī thought and fatwás produced without knowledge on national interests and international relations”   was inaugurated. Dr. Muhammad Mukhtār Gum´ah, Minister of Endowments, stated ”to all lovers of peace in the...
The Supreme Islamic Council, headed by Dr. Mukhtār Gum’ah, Minister of Endowments, is convening tomorrow its 23th general conference.  The Secretariat general of the Council Dr. Ahmad ‘Agībah stated that the Council did not send invitations to Qatar or Turkey due to their hostile policies towards...
Dr. Mukhtār Gum’ah, Minsiter of Endowments and Head of the Supreme Islamic Council, stated that the purpose of convening a conference scheduled for Tuesday March 25 is to discuss the dangers of calling for terrorism and declaring apostasy (takfīr). The dangers relate to international relations and...
The Da’wah al- Salafiah has launched a campaign entitled “Dangers Challenging Egyptian Society” to face calls of excommunication, explosions, atheism and corruption.  Shaykh Sharif al- Hawāry, member of the Da’wa Salafiah board and officer in charge of the Da’wah in the governorates, stated that it...
Dr. Mukhtār Gum’ah, Minister of Endowments, has approved sending 14 new imams abroad to spread moderate Islam. Dr. Mukhtār Gum’ah stated that these imams represent the Ministry of Endowments in all continents in order to spread moderate Islam (Nāddir Abu al- Futūh, al- Ahrām, March 20). Read...
Despite announcements from the government that it would organize outdoor spaces for ‘Īd (Eid) prayers, and would not permit others organized by the people, the Salafi Call organized prayers in 40 squares in Alexandria as well as 7 in Marsá Matrūh.
President ‘Abd al-Fattāh al-Sīsī led the prayers of ‘Īd al-Fitr (Eid al-Fitr) yesterday at the mosque of Leadership of the Egyptian Air Force. Minister of Religious Endowments Muhammad Mukhtār Jum‘a said in his sermon that there were two great meanings for Ramadan, the first divine, as people...
On the occasion of al-Mawlid al-Nabawīy, or the Birth of the Prophet Muḥammad, offices of the Ministry of Endowments [Awqāf] organize festivities thought the country’s governorates. The Egyptian Christians do not miss to convey their sentiments of congratulations, manifested in different ways to...


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