Displaying 341 - 350 of 381.
Tensions in Izbet Boushra received national and international media coverage following a clash on June 21, 2009 between Muslims and Christians over a church building. AWR visited Bishop Stephanous, responsible for the diocese in which Izbet Boushra is located, in August 2009. The Bishop then asked...
Watani interviewed Muhammad Zarie a human rights activist who is the head of the Arab Penal Reform organization.
A new Bishop is assigned in Jirjā in the presence of wide public and governmental representation.
Egypt resorts to religion in order to confront sexual harassment.
Ayūb traces the Waqf system in Egypt back through its history. The article mentions that the golden age of the Waqf system was the 12th-18th centuries. The system was continued throughout Muhammad ‘Alī’s era and he used revenue from the Waqf system to fund his own projects to modernize Egypt....
Al-Dustūr published a two-page file on niqāb in Egypt. About 17 percent of Egyptian women wear niqāb. Authors of the files tried to point out the reasons behind the phenomenon.
In a statement before a delegation from the American University in Cairo, Minister of Endowments Dr. Zaqzūq stresses equality between Muslims and Christians in Egypt, renews his calls to visit Jerusalem and criticizes the Bahā’ī faith.
Jamāl As‘ad writes about the Muslim and Christian situation toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The article presents an interview with Safwat Hijāzī discussing different issues such as those about the attacks against da‘iyahs, insulting Islam and the Prophet Muhammad, monopoly, normalization, and organ donation. He was also asked about his opinion on Christian attempts to Christianize Muslim...
Members of Michael Munīr’s fan group on facebook call on U.S. Copts to work for giving Bahā’īs, Shī‘ah, and converts to Christianity more freedom of creed in Egypt.


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